The Boss Bouquet

The Boss Bouquet is a mix of lilies, roses, phalaenopsis orchid, sunflowers and seasonal flowers wrapped in our gorgeous papers. Sure to please anyone. This is perfect for all occasions including birthday, I Love You, new home, thank you or just to say I care. Add a bottle of wine, a candle and chocolates to give it the WOW factor!

PLEASE NOTE: Flowers are seasonal. We will do our best to match the flowers in the photograph. Same day orders in Orange Metro can be placed up to 4pm to secure delivery. Same day orders must be placed before 9AM to secure delivery to surrounding areas Bathurst, Blayney, Canowindra, Cowra, Forbes, Millthorpe, Molong, and Parkes.

2 reviews for The Boss Bouquet

  1. Toby Richards (verified owner)

  2. Kimmy (verified owner)

    I have never had more compliments on a bouquet of flowers before. Absolutely stunning and even more impressive in person. Pick Me Flowers and Gifts went above and beyond to get me this bouquet in time for a loved one. Thank you

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2 reviews for The Boss Bouquet

  1. Toby Richards (verified owner)

  2. Kimmy (verified owner)

    I have never had more compliments on a bouquet of flowers before. Absolutely stunning and even more impressive in person. Pick Me Flowers and Gifts went above and beyond to get me this bouquet in time for a loved one. Thank you

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

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